Virtual Reality for Maritime Emergencies
VR-ME’s ultimate output will be a training programme and Virtual Reality Simulator for Maritime Emergencies on board a fishing vessel, a very innovative tool non-existent in the industry that would bring the training in emergencies to a higher level.
Virtual Reality for Maritime Emergencies (VR-ME) is a project co-funded by the programme Erasmus+ of the European Union, under the Agreement number 2019-1-FR01-KA202-063055.

Among all fishing vessels in the EU, 54.9% of the marine casualties and incidents occur on a trawler, 52.4% of them are very serious casualties.
Half of the accidents for all types of fishing vessels take place during fishing operations in territorial and open sea. Think about engine rooms on fire while on passage, capsizing or grounding of the vessel, flooding, sinking, collision, and general loss of control.
Fishing is an occupation exposed to safety risks. Fishing vessels are still getting lost, fishermen are still involved in casualties and incidents, getting injured, or even fatalities occur. What can we do about it?

Almost 2/3 of the accidents on board fishing vessels happen due to human action, mostly involving shipboard operation.
The 3 most contributing factors to these accidents are: 1) Safety awareness, 2) Lack of knowledge, and 3) Inadequate work methods.